
Positivity. Vulnerability. Experience.

You’re Stronger Than Your Fear

My biggest fear is that I am inadequate. I think too much about what other people think of me, and it holds me back from doing the things I am passionate about. A big reason I’m writing this is, I want to start doing the things that I am passionate about, and not just doing them in hiding, but sharing them with the world. 

What’s the point of finding something you love if you can’t share it with the people you love, or use it to help other people? Writing has always been something that’s been helpful to me. I’m not great at expressing myself verbally, and I would much rather put things on paper. I find I’m able to describe how I feel through writing much easier than trying to come up with something to say verbally. When writing I’m able to sit with the feeling or idea longer, allowing me to flesh out what it is I’m truly feeling. 

I’m not sure what this will turn into, or if it will turn into anything at all. All I know is that it’s something that I love to do. I love to write. I love to create. I love to help people. I’m trying to step out of my comfort zone and face the fears I have that are holding me back from the things I’m undoubtably passionate about. 

My goal is to share my journey, my experiences, and have some fun along the way. The first step is facing this fear I have of inadequacy, which I hope to do when I hit the publish button.  

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve recognized fear can be a good and a bad thing. Some fear is there to protect, while other fear is only holding you back. The hardest part is deciphering which is which. I’ve decided this fear, the fear of being inadequate, is no longer something I need protection from.  

I don’t want to look at this like a blog, or articles, but rather, I want to think of it as a journal. Something that’s unrefined and relatable to other people. Something that will make you think and reflect, but also laugh and experience the joy of your journey.   

I also want this to be a reminder to myself, that that fear of being inadequate, you’re stronger than that fear.  

2 responses to “You’re Stronger Than Your Fear”

  1. Traffic Avatar

    Hi from Reddit,
    Congrats on your new blog, it looks fantastic!

    1. Jolee Linden

      I appreciate it! Thanks for stopping by!

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